Cairo Liberal Club

Who we are?

Liberal Club of Cairo is a group of youth who believes in classical liberalism and the reformist approach looking to Egypt in the ranks of developed countries, by adopting a liberal agenda. The club was founded in December 2018 by a group of young liberal politicians in Egypt through their experiences in partisan and political work. They felt that the Egyptian political scene at this time needs strong liberal voices adopting a reformist approach that works to offer realistic solutions and alternatives away from the populist or radical protest rhetoric.


Spreading ideas and values of liberalism.

Public Policies

Formulating and promoting liberal policies.


Providing solutions and proposals to enhance economic, social and political freedoms.

Life, Liberty, Property

Volunteer Today

We’re always looking for the community’s support to help push our campaign further than we could ever imagine. Does that sound like you? Volunteer today and be a part of change.

Join our Cause

Join our team of like-minded everyday people who simply want a better world to live in. Where every voice is heard, every hand is held, and every soul is equal. You’re invited to join our cause.

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